Please tell us about your project.

  • Please enter your valid & active license key for the Genesis Network™.
    The royalty rate due will be applied based on the provided license.
  • If applicable
  • Royalty Reporting

    All references to $ in this form mean United States Dollar (USD)
  • Life To Date

    Life To Date
  • Advances are the funds received for future sales of your product, such as pre-orders or recoupable publisher advances. Recoupable publisher advances are amounts received during development that are then withheld by the publisher from game sales after release. Advances are considered revenue in the period(s) they are received when reporting royalties. Royalties paid on recoupable publisher advances may be applied as a credit against future sales royalties.
  • After a product generates more than $1000 in lifetime revenue, licensees are obligated to pay Nibiru Entertainment™ in amount to their acquired license for the Genesis Network™ corresponding royalty percentage due, on all gross revenue (after tax and refunds) for such product. However, no royalties are due in any quarter where a product generates less than $100 in gross revenue.

    For example, if your product generated its first $600 of gross revenue in Quarter 1, no royalties would be due in Quarter 1. If the product generated an additional gross revenue of $600 in Quarter 2, royalties of $10 ([$1200 - $1000] * 0.05 GNRP**) would be due. If the product generated $70 of gross revenue in Quarter 3, no royalties would be due in Quarter 3. If the product generated $120 in Quarter 4, royalties of $6 ($120 * 0.05) would be due in Quarter 4.

    Gross revenue calculations should include: downloadable content, in-app purchases, microtransactions, virtual currency redemption, subscription fees, Kickstarter and or Indiegogo funds related to game access or content (i.e. not for non-gameplay physical or digital goods offered as backer rewards), as well as in-app advertising and affiliate program revenue. Platform distribution fees cannot be deducted from gross revenue. For example, if your product had already generated $1000 in gross revenue and then goes on to generate an additional $200 on the App Store, the royalty due is $10 ($200 * 0.05 GNRP**), even though you would have only received $140 after Apple deduct their 30% distribution fee.

    GNRP** - Genesis Network™ Royalty Percentage (e.g. 0.05 - based on the Platinum | ENTERPRISE tier, royalty percentage rate shown in the examples above. Your currently valid & active license with coherent royalty rate applies. You can upgrade at any time, but until you do, your latest active and for release/royalty-report submitted/registered Genesis Network™ license will be used for due royalty calculation).
  • Current Quarter

    Current Quarter
  • For details on "Advances" please see the its definition example above. Same rules apply.
  • For details on "Other Gross Revenue" please see the its definition example above. Same rules apply.