Please enter your valid & active license key for the Genesis Network™.
The royalty rate due will be applied based on the provided license.
After a product generates more than $1000 in lifetime revenue, licensees are obligated to pay Nibiru Entertainment™ in amount to their acquired license for the Genesis Network™ corresponding royalty percentage due, on all gross revenue (after tax and refunds) for such product.
However, no royalties are due in any quarter where a product generates less than $100 in gross revenue.
For example, if your product generated its first $600 of gross revenue in Quarter 1, no royalties would be due in Quarter 1. If the product generated an additional gross revenue of $600 in Quarter 2, royalties of $10 ([$1200 - $1000] * 0.05 GNRP**) would be due. If the product generated $70 of gross revenue in Quarter 3, no royalties would be due in Quarter 3. If the product generated $120 in Quarter 4, royalties of $6 ($120 * 0.05) would be due in Quarter 4.
Gross revenue calculations should include: downloadable content, in-app purchases, microtransactions, virtual currency redemption, subscription fees, Kickstarter and or Indiegogo funds related to game access or content (i.e. not for non-gameplay physical or digital goods offered as backer rewards), as well as in-app advertising and affiliate program revenue. Platform distribution fees cannot be deducted from gross revenue. For example, if your product had already generated $1000 in gross revenue and then goes on to generate an additional $200 on the App Store, the royalty due is $10 ($200 * 0.05 GNRP**), even though you would have only received $140 after Apple deduct their 30% distribution fee.
GNRP** - Genesis Network™ Royalty Percentage
(e.g. 0.05 - based on the Platinum | ENTERPRISE tier, royalty percentage rate shown in the examples above. Your currently valid & active license with coherent royalty rate applies. You can upgrade at any time, but until you do, your latest active and for release/royalty-report submitted/registered Genesis Network™ license will be used for due royalty calculation).