Eager to share the result with the world we have finally reached the moment of truth, where we feel ready for the first official step on our roadmap towards Game Ready (GR). With a true next gen online game in the making, with over 400.000 upgrades to perform and countless other ambitious features that have shown great acceptance for both players and developers! A flexible project which would allow to create a large variety of applications from real time Strategy Games (RTS), Massively Multiplayer Online Games (MMO), Role Playing Games (RPG), First Person Shooters (FPS) and many many more – without any actual limitation. We decided to go for a full source code approach in 3 major milestone release packages and make bits of it gradually available as we progress and add new features, starting with a true behemoth under the sun – the colossal Game Economy.
We have started with the most complicated tasks first, so we could decide if we were to crack under the extreme load and complexity of the project as early as possible or make it as advanced and far reaching as we could and wanted. Yet all that without having to glue bits and bytes of gameplay together and pretending to have created some kind of game, pursuing real, actually beneficial progress and modular usability. Searching for the utmost problems to solve and the best possible flexible underlying structure to build – the only type of network capable of supporting such weight. We knew this would be a lengthy and risky endeavor, especially aiming so high and allowing no compromises or patchwork as our most upheld credo – upon which we still build till this day and well past beyond it. In order to be able to come so far and produce the final result we have spend thousands of hours in a team of mostly 2-4 people (at times), with 2 people working on the project in full time for the past 5 years – so far mainly.
Despite all the plagues that 2020 has thrown upon the world to such deeply rooted extent so far, this is also ultimately the year where we are ready to share all this with you and bring to everyone some light into this vastness of darkness and despair. This is for all of you: developers, creators, gamers, enterprises and fortune seekers. We consider this to be the most legitimate real chance at an authentic and amazing project and an opportunity of which many have dreamed of. Use this chance to your ultimate advantage. This is something we would have truly loved to see and use ourselves, but got burned as so many others, by miserable false promises and inferior tools or kits of far lesser proportions.
Unfortunately this world wide crisis has forced us too into the corner and continues to make this incredibly ambitious, fully self funded project more delayed and lengthy, beyond of what actually could have and should have happened. This is one of the reasons why we need your help now as never before and sincerely hope for your support and quick adaptability of the source code towards your own needs and projects as a true win-win situation. Rest assured that given a strong back-wind of your support, this project will be able to gain again full acceleration and get up to full speed in no time.
We have plenty more elements in our forge and can’t wait to share with you our new achievements and features. Game development is complicated enough as is, where actually usable features, especially in such modular fashion and advanced technological environment like the Unreal® Engine, can make the difference between success and failure. Reducing risks and knowing where to aim at, come with a big advantage over the competition.
the independent future is here.
The industry in general has plenty of dark secrets, and having the ability to create independently can reveal less dependency, more convenience and favorable dominance compared to constrained projects and a huge amount of people grasping for ping-pong functionality within a project’s frame. This all happens at the same time where being individual is as easy and accessible as never before. With outstanding, game changing tools that help to create faster, better and in more detail, there is a true chance for a new revolution in gaming and entertainment. With environments capable of serving and connecting the creative and logical coding tissue, the revelations can come in the most beautiful, unusual, surprising and exciting shapes and colors as never before – with sheer endless variety and playroom for expression of creative freedom and optimized deliverables, the content can become rich and cater the growing market demand and expectations alike.
The good thing about this all is, that such business/project model can work for every part of the industry equally well. The big dogs and the small indie. This is the moment where the ideas matter the most and where meaningful stories are paramount. This can be literally anything of valuable content, anything interactive benefiting of the ecosystem and vast modular infrastructure of the network and its environment.
“Build your own dreams, or someone else will hire you to build theirs.”Farrah Gray
We feel for every one of you who has still self doubt and who is inconclusive. There is a lot to be careful about and depending on your vision, the roadmap can be quick or painfully complex and long. Any decision must be met with caution and care. We do offer you however easy and affordable options to simply check out the project and upgrade later if you wish to at any time. This reduces for you the risk of diving into something entirely unknown and unexpected. We understand that this is not your regular or common day offer that knocks at your door. This is why we would like to win your trust by offering fair chances to everyone and ask very little in return. It is only when you truly can make your dream come true and reach your desired goal, that you would have to pay your extra share. And you always can aim for the option that best suits you including upfront investments or royalties due upon successful product shipment. With your support, everybody will progress and everybody wins.
When will the timing be good enough if not now? Ask yourself what you want to share with others and leave behind for this world. Preferably ignore the chase for a quick buck, as this likely won’t make you happy for a long time. Putting your heart and soul to work, the love for what you do with dedication and the pursuit of greatness will. We are honestly proud to be able to be here today, and lay out to you the opportunities of the Genesis Network™. Join us now and discover how far the rabbit hole goes.
Your journey can start right here, right now.